I Don’t Know Who to Trust?
There are so many different theories and strategies out there. Which one is right for me?
Nobody Believes Me
I’m really trying, but nothing is working. My body seems to be naturally fighting against me and it’s not a fair fight.
I Feel All Alone
Fitness is a long, lonely journey. Gyms are so sterile and cold. Working out at home is even worse. I need some accountability and connection. Maybe even a friend.
Diets & Exercise Plans - OMG
I’ve had it with following trends and fads! I start out excited and enthusiastic because I want them to work, but…not so much. Frustrating!
It’s Freakin’Boring!
If I see another treadmill or elliptical machine, I’m gonna scream! If I have to work this hard, can’t I at least have some fun too?
I’m Not Fit Enough to Begin
I’m so far behind. I’m not sure it’s even safe for me to begin exercising. I could get hurt or just plain look stupid.
Find Strength
Celebrate Gains
Connect in Community
We Believe You
Everyones’ body is naturally changing. We are all fighting the same fight and we believe you when you say, you’re trying your best. It’s not you…It’s your strategy that’s letting you down.
We Believe In You
Every Person, regardless of background or challenge has the capacity for change. You can increase muscle. You can do hard things. You will feel proud and confident.
You Are Not Alone
We are a community of people just like you, trying our hardest, cheering each other on and celebrating every gain.
You are Ready to Begin
No matter where you are in your fitness, you’re ready to begin. We meet you right where you are. Male and female coaches across a range of ages can identify with you and guide you in your unique journey.
Proven Methodology
Crossfit can sound scary. But it’s not. It’s a proven methodology available to athletes of all walks of life. It works. It changes lives. Crossfit helps people live better lives.
Never Boring
There are no mirrors, no treadmills, no elliptical machines, or televisions. We are all about constantly varied programming, live coaching, feedback and community. Expect to do new things and celebrate gains.

We Care Enough To Listen to You and We Believe Your Story
11 Years of Transformations
Catamount is Sylva’s First CrossFit facility. We’ve been part of hundreds of transformations—transformations of body, mind, and spirit.
Certified Crossfit Coaches
Every Catamount Crossfit coach undergoes a rigorous certification process to ensure the safety and success of their athletes (if you are in a Crossfit class, you are an athlete).
Male and Female Coaches
Having access to male and female coaches of various ages promotes communication and connection. You will find a coach who understands you, your stage of life and your challenges,
After opening Catamount CrossFit 2013, Josh began building a community that focused on bringing a new level of fitness to Western North Carolina. Ten years later, he continues to provide the area’s best coaches to help his athletes reach their goals and have a blast doing it.
As the head trainer of Catamount CrossFit, Josh provides an atmosphere that promotes healthy weight loss, strong bodies, and a fun community of fitness-hungry athletes.
Josh is a Level 3 Certified coach and is constantly learning and growing as a coach. You’ll often find him in the gym with his twin children who are pretty impressive athletes too.
Coaching Level
In 2021, Jen found CrossFit and fell in love. She joined Catamount in September, 2021, and became a Level-1 coach in February 2022! She also learned a Level-2 certification in Sept, 2022.
Jen constantly works to improve and grow as a coach which is why she earned certifications in CrossFit gymnastics and Olympic lifting.
Jen’s philosophy is that everyone is an athlete. She loves helping members meet their health and wellness goals. She also plans to earn a certification in CrossFit Kids and Aerobic Capacity. “Catamount Elite Fitness is my second home and the members are my second family!”
Jen is married to a Catamount member and has two amazing kids.
Coaching Level
Change is Hard.
Getting Started on Your Fitness Journey is Easy
See that button down there? Click that and sign up for a free class.
Now that you’ve signed up for class, show up for it. Don’t be scared. We got you!
You can do hard things! Keep coming back and amaze yourself!

At Catamount Crossfit, we know you want to be the best possible version of yourself. You want to feel good about yourself, be confident, and look your best. Most people think they simply need to increase their cardio and lose weight to achieve their goals. While weight loss and cardio could be part of your fitness story they’re not the whole story. As we get older, both men and women need to shift their thinking from “burning fat” through cardio to building strength and bone density through constantly varied fitness.
The problem is, most gyms focus on cardio to achieve weight loss which means hours of huffing and puffing on machines, spin classes, or aerobics classes. These aren’t bad things, but you’ve probably gotten bored, gotten frustrated, or see-sawed between weight gain and weight loss while working on your cardio solution. It’s frustrating and leaves you feeling like a failure.
You are not a failure. You’ve just been missing a key component in your fitness and that’s not your fault. It’s the fitness industry’s fault. It’s just a fact that, as we get older, it is more difficult to lose belly fat (subcutaneous fat). It’s part of life. Unfortunately, continuous strain at a high heart rate actually increases belly fat, especially in women between 35 and 60 years old. Now that’s frustrating!
That’s why we offer proven Crossfit methodology that combines a wide variety of exercises, including Olympic lifting, stretching, weight lifting and cardio to help our athletes increase strength and change their body styles. What’s really cool, many of our athletes crush their goals without losing any weight at all. They get stronger, fitter, and more toned and their weight stays the same.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room - Crossfit. Crossfit has gotten a bad rap and it’s Crossfit’s fault. Images of the glistening bodies of the pros doing things like handstand walks and peg board climibing make Crossfit look intimidating and exclusive. I’ll let you in on a little secret:
Our goal isn't for you master handstand walks (unless you want to). Our goal is to walk with you every step of your fitness journey and help you get fit for life.
Our athletes range in age, size, ability, and gender. But the things that we have in common are as numerous of the things that set us apart—we work hard together, we welcome any and all comers to our amazing community, we are well coached and cared for, and we celebrate transforming and gains.
So, if you want to end the seesaw relationship you have with weight gain and weight loss, and you want to focus on the one proven methodology for transformation, it’s time to get started.
But don’t stop there. Come in. Check us out. Try a Week on Us for Free!
Train, Transform, & Tag
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